norfolk pagoda gardensImagine with me for a moment that you’re going along, having a ho-hum day, nothing super crazy has happened, then you get the shock of your life (in a good way).Now imagine that you have to do your job right after you find out this incredibly awesome news… you’d probably be floundering a little bit right?
Now you know how I felt when it came time to do a couples photo shoot for Meghan and Rich at the Norfolk Pagoda Garden, right after Eric proposed to me! couples photo shoot norfolk pagoda gardens Fresh Look Photography

I have to admit, when Eric proposed to me, I was completely caught off guard! But I was even less prepared for the cloud I would be floating around on for the next few hours (days, weeks…), it COMPLETELY knocked me out of my mind and made it really difficult to concentrate on taking pictures of these two lovebirds! See, initially this was just supposed to be a fun photo shoot trade (we would photograph Meghan and Rich and they would photograph Eric and I). But if you read yesterday’s engagement story, you know that Eric coordinated with Meghan and voila! You have one very happy (and out of the loop!) photographer! photographer headshots photographer headshots

Gah!!! Could Meghan be any more gorgeous?!?!
Fresh Look Photography taking a step back

Thankfully, once I got the camera in my hand, the fog lifted a bit so that I could do a photo shoot for Meghan and Rich. They are gonna be moving later this summer and wanted to get some photos done here in Norfolk to document the awesome time they’ve spent in the area, plus it gave us a chance to give Meghan some updated head shots! couple in love norfolk pagoda gardenssilhouette on the water

Once we were all done taking pictures at the Norfolk Pagoda Garden, we headed to go eat some dinner together and celebrate! After we were done, it was completely dark, but we just HAD to get a few pictures in front of The Norva!
Meghan and Rich, thank you so much for being awesome during our session! We had a great time hanging out with you and making memories together!The Norva The Norva Concert Venue