In today’s digital age, it’s super easy to have thousands (or hundreds of thousands!) of images sitting on your hard drive. You’ve taken so many amazing pictures and sadly, many of them never see the light of day! Come to think of it, when was the last time you took the time to print your photos? Weeks? Months? Longer?! Well get ready to rock and roll, because we’re gonna change that right meow!

print your photosChallenge Time: Print Your Photos

If you can’t remember the last time you went to print your photos, it’s time to break that habit! Take the time to go through some of your old pictures and choose a few to have printed. Could you make a photo book for nana of her grand babies? (I really need to do this!) Have you neglected to update family pictures hanging up in the house? Is it finally time to get a large print of one of your own images to hang on the wall?! (20×30 here we come!!!)

Whatever the case may be, go back through some of those old pictures and get them printed. It would be a shame if the only thing that your great great grandchildren had to remember you by was a CD (which at that point will be completely obsolete technology!). Everyone likes having something tangible to hold and feel, make it a point to print your photos TODAY!

Not Sure where to Print your Photos?

If you need some pointers on the differences between local and pro labs, check out {THIS} link – you won’t believe some of the color differences! I list a bunch of places to avoid, but also a few trusted places who will do a great job (hello Mpix!).