burning for a causeAs I sit here writing this to you, my heart is absolutely breaking.
Yesterday afternoon, the Boston bombing shocked the nation and left everyone reeling.
Each person will have their own reaction, but everyone is united in their need to know “why”.

Why were these terrorist acts committed?
Why are people hurt, maimed, killed?
Why was this unspeakable horror committed?

To invoke fear?

To send a message?

To just be mean to others?

boston tragedy

Boston Bombing  and Re-Evaluating Our Priorities


When it Comes Down to It – We Don’t Know.

The only thing we can do now is pray.
But it is comforting to know that whenever something horrible happens, there will always be good people who rise to the occasion and make a difference. People who give selflessly and work towards the common good. People who want to make a difference. People who care about more than just themselves and are willing to work together to achieve a common purpose.
It makes my heart a little bit lighter to know that courageous men and women rose to the occasion, helping those injured when bombs struck the marathon. These were people just like you and me.
They weren’t trained to be first responders or equipped with medical know-how, they simply had a heart to help, and when the adrenaline kicked in, they were there to serve.

The words of District Attorney Daniel Conley really ring true for me:
“In times of crisis, we come together and we help one another. Moments like these, as terrible as they are, don’t show our weakness, they show our strength.”

I challenge you to take this as a wake-up call:
Spend a few more minutes (or hours) with your kids today.
Call a family member you two haven’t talked to recently, it’ll do you both good to chat.
Spend less quality time with the internet and more quality time outside blowing bubbles.

We are not promised tomorrow.

None of us.

All we can do is appreciate today and take advantage of the one life we have.


We’d Love To Stay In Touch

If you’ve finished looking at this post on the Boston Bombing and are thinking to yourself – I feel ya. We would LOVE to stay in touch! Feel free to message me by hitting the { CONTACT ME } button or by giving me a call at 757-749-5350.