“Mothers of little boys work from son up ’till son down!”

~ Unknown

Snow Day Fun

Those that know me, know that I’m not a big fan of nature.

Don’t get me wrong, when it comes to portraits, I absolutely LOVE doing sessions outside and will suggest an outdoor location hands down.

But as far as the dirt, and sweating and getting messy… that’s not so much my thing.

However, there are always exceptions.

Fresh Look Photography

I was more than happy to brave the freezing temperatures and snowy conditions to go out and photograph for Jeneen and her adorable little man Colin!

A few weeks ago, the Virginia Beach area got a little bit of snow (look out citizens, it practically shut the city down!), and Jeneen had told me months before that she wanted to do a snow session if/when it happened.
So when I saw the big fat snowflakes start falling, I contacted Jeneen and we made a snow play date for the following day!

Fresh Look Photography


We had such a great time!!!

Colin brought his construction equipment and played with that in the snow. They made snow balls, walked around kicking up snow as they went, and indulged in some quality one-on-one time together.

Fresh Look Photography


Fresh Look Photography Fresh Look Photography Fresh Look Photography


Fresh Look Photogaphy Fresh Look Photography Fresh Look Photography