Making a list, checking it twiceIt’s that time of year… People are running around buying presents, participating in holiday activities, even reminiscing with complete strangers in the Craft store over a shared holiday memory (no lie, this happened to me yesterday in Michaels and was so sweet!). I’m a big fan of writing things down so I can see what I’ve done and what needs to still be done. That’s why I love making a list, checking it twice, and ensuring that I’ve got all my bases covered. That way it makes my life a little less stressful, and it can do the same for you!

This may not seem like my typical “photography” post, but I think it’s SUPER important to keep organized so that you’re able to really be present and enjoy the holiday season instead of running around like a chicken with your head cut off.

Making a List, Checking it Twice

Keeping Your Christmas Sanity


Grab a blank, printable calendar for the month of December and write down EVERYTHING that’s supposed to be happening this month. Ballet recitals, Christmas parties, holiday activities, etc. If you have a master list, it’s WAY easier to see what is happening each day!

Shop For Wrapping Paper and Tape NOW

Wrapping supplies are abundant and there is NO reason not to have these essentials on hand right meow. Especially since it’ll save you from having to run out on Christmas Eve because there is not a scrap of tape to be found anywhere in the house!

Master Gift List

Make a master list and ensure you list everyone you’ll need to buy for, and think about what they’d like. That way you can pick up things as you see them, rather than running to the mall at the last minute. Have your kiddos write a letter to Santa so you know what they want as well!

Menu Prep

If you’re going to be hosting the holidays, then you’ll want to get a jump on the menu! In my family, we always divvy up the dishes, so it’s a chore in itself just trying to figure out what everyone is bringing. If you nail this down early, that’s less stress later!

Mail Cards EARLY

Mailing Christmas cards is one of those things that is SO EASY to put off in light of all the other things that need to be done instead. If you get all of your cards/envelopes/stamps together and take the time to sit down and devote an hour or two solely to this project, you’ll have it accomplished in no time! And if you need to get everyone’s addresses, you can always use an online service like which collects addresses and other useful information.