It’s the beginning of the month, eeekkk! But instead of feeling excited like normal, I’m actually kind of overwhelmed right now. Am I really ready to tackle my February 2018 goals? Between going through a web-redesign, teaching three classes, and trying to stay focused amid all the snow days we’ve had… life is intense right now!

But we’re gonna keep on going guys!

Yes, I spent a few minutes wallowing in self pity this morning because of the mountain of things that I needed to do. I’d really rather crawl back into bed! But instead, I sat down to make a list of things so I can work towards getting them done.

Not gonna lie, it’s still a crap ton of work. But somehow (for me), it seems less intimidating to see it written out. And even more rewarding to be able to cross them off!

So now that I’ve spilled my guts about the overwhelm, let’s dive into our February 2018 goals!

February 2018 Goals

Personal Goals

  • Gym 3x Week – I’ve actually (knock on wood) been pretty good about this the past 3 weeks. Now mind you, I’m not in full beast mode, but I’m excited to work my way back up to fit!
  • More water – I used to keep a water bottle on my desk and that helped a LOT, time to start that again!
  • Read a fictional book – I just finished a book last night (it wasn’t even very good), but it was so nice to be able to sit down and lose myself in a story.

Business Goals

  • Re-start Photography meetups – we’ve got a bunch planned for the next few months: Coffee Meetups, Wedding Details Styling Workshop, Getting Started with IPS, Cameras and Cocktails… it’s gonna be amazing!
  • Website Revamp – Our web designer Formidable Tech and I have some BIG plans for this site! It’s going to be a lot of work (mostly writing a ton of new copy), but I’m excited for this next step!
  • Submitting Sessions for Publication – I am a tiny bit discouraged by this because I’ve been continually rejected the last dozen or so times I submitted work (usually due to stylistic differences). But I plan on making sure that I get at least two things published this month! (fingers crossed!)

What’s on the list for your February 2018 goals?

Drop a comment below and let us know where your focus is going to be. We’d love to see what you are up to and offer you some encouragement! We offer one on one mentoring, and put together free events for photographers. You can always { Contact Us } for anything you need – even if it’s just a friendly face to say you’re on the right track!