I’ve been thinking a LOT about what my 2020 business goals were going to be.

Right now, everyone is in the “let’s make new year’s resolutions” boat.

We all want to make a change, and we’ve all got a fire lit under our ass…

For the next few weeks or so.

But I’m more in the camp of making goals for the new year.

Goals give you something specific to strive for, and (usually) there’s a timeline attached for when it needs to be completed.


If the thought of having yearly goals seems too overwhelming, break it up into quarters.

What are your Q1 Goals, Q2 Goals… etc.

That way it’s broken up into more manageable chunks, and you are still being productive.


2020 Business Goals

  • YouTube – I have a (inactive) channel. I want to change that and add all my Tip Tuesday Videos and get to 2K subscribers
  • Intern – I’ve talked about this for a while, but 2020 is the year it’s actually happening! (look for applications in February)
  • Workshops – Bigger and Better in 2020! Everything from posing couples, to Lightroom, to flat-lays and more!
  • Speak at a Conference – I’m putting it out into the universe: I want to come share my knowledge with you!!!
  • Publications – we had 18 publication features last year. This year, I want to hit 20.
  • A Day Off – This sounds like something silly to add, but if I don’t write it down, it won’t happen.
  • Continuing Education – 1 morning per week (Friday) to spend on education, as well as attend a conference (fingers crossed for Showit United!)
  • Network – Reach out to 1 new vendor each month, and take them out for coffee.
  • Bridal Guide – this needs to be updated, then printed (1st Quarter Goal!)
  • Monthly Social Media Calendar – We’re sending these out every month, if you want to get the next one, make sure to sign up for our email list!


2020 Business Goals

What’s on the list for your 2020 business goals?

Drop a comment below and let us know where your focus is going to be.

We’d love to see what you are up to and cheer you on with some encouragement!

We offer one on one mentoring, and put together free events for photographers.

You can always { Contact Us } for anything you need – even if it’s just a friendly face to say you’re on the right track!