You’ve head the old adage – there’s no bread in the bakers house… well it is the same for me – no photos in the photographers house!

These are my sweet babies, Wesley and Mara.

They’re the cutest, I know.


I’ve had a number of people make the comment to me, “You’re a photographer, I’m sure that you must have LOTS of pictures of your kids!”

You would think so… but in fact, it’s not quite the truth.

I’m extremely blessed to be very busy photographing for clients and have a steady stream of work.

But at the end of the day, the last thing I want to do is pick up my camera and chase my kids around.

Always striving to get “just one picture” where they’re not screaming, and are both looking in the same direction.


Photos in the Photographers House

This past weekend my family and I drove into the countryside of Virginia to spend some time with our extended family.

It was awesome to see people that we don’t get the chance to visit with often, and spend time away from the everyday routine.

Those that know me, know that I am a city girl through and through.

I enjoy city living: the endless opportunities for trying new things, a plethora of restaurants, and the convenience of having 5 Starbucks within 2 miles of my house.

Kidding not kidding.

So it was quite a change to go to Hardy, VA where my Aunt Donna lives.

Believe me when I say there was nothing around other than land and trees.

It really forced me to slow down, relax, and enjoy the simple things.

While it’s not something I want to do on a regular basis (I’m happiest when I’m busy), it was a welcome respite.

I took advantage of the beautiful garden in my aunt’s yard and captured some photos of my kids.

I hope you enjoy my little shrimpies!

I think they are the cutest thing on the planet, but I might be a little biased 😉