The start of the last quarter means it’s time to share our October 2020 goals!

For me – it feels like we are in crunch time.

I know, we’ve still got 3 months left of this year, but really – that is not a lot of time.

Plus the holidays always seem to make the time go by faster.


With cooler temperatures, great fashion, and lots of fun outdoor activities – Fall is my favorite season.

Since things are looking a little different this year, we will be flexing our creative muscle a little more.

For instance – right now it’s not looking like the kids will get to go trick-or-treating.

So my sister Stephanie and I are already thinking about how we can create a fun Halloween night in for all our kiddos.

They stay safe and have a good time – win win!

Are you having to change up your normal fall routine?

I’d love to know what you are doing (and maybe even steal your ideas!)



October 2020 Goals

Personal Goals

  • Daily Walks around the neighborhood
  • Start Christmas Shopping for our kids – I know to most people, this sounds crazy! But my logic is: if I start now, I won’t be stressed out come December.
  • Daily Journaling – even if it’s just one sentence each day.


Business Goals

  • Wedding Day – we have one wedding left to photograph this year, and we are going to make it an awesome one!
  • Update all 2020 numbers that we have so far (especially income/expenses)
  • Read a Business Book – Do the Work by Gary John Bishop
  • Write out a calendar of blogs and what day they’re being posted (gotta keep myself accountable!)


Want to Challenge Yourself?!

We’ve got a whole list of Social Media Prompts to help conquer your October 2020 goals.

Take a look at this list we’ve put together, and feel free to swipe and use all our awesome ideas!


October 2020 Goals


What’s on the list for your October 2020 goals?

Drop a comment below and let us know where your focus is going to be.

We’d love to see what you are up to and cheer you on with some encouragement!

We offer one on one mentoring, and put together free events for photographers.

You can always { Contact Us } for anything you need – even if it’s just a friendly face to say you’re on the right track!