Whether you are the proud new owner of your very first DSLR, or a seasoned pro who does this regularly, knowing what is essential to keep in your camera bag can be overwhelming! Here is a list of 12 things that I think are camera bag essentials that you should have when you’re out shooting:

Fresh Look Photography

1)  A spare memory card
And a spare for your spare. Seriously, I carry two “spare” memory cards in each of my camera bags because I know me: there will be a day I’m rushing too much and forget to put a memory card back in the camera.

2) Extra Battery
Because you never know when you’ll be a retard and accidentally leave your camera on, completely draining your battery… both of them!

3) An energy bar
There’s nothing worse than being on location, the shoot is going amazingly well, the light is perfect, and you start snapping at people because you’re hungry!

4) Bottle of Water
An awesome tool against dehydration, but it’s also great to have on hand to create different images.

Fresh Look Photography

5) A macro lens
For those times when you need to be rightontop of your subject.

6) Business Cards
Everyone is (naturally) going to see your big camera and want you to take their pictures (because you’re so kick awesome!), make sure you’re ready by having these on hand!

7) A hair clip or pony tail
I’ll admit it: I’m a bit of a diva and like to look pretty, no matter when/what I’m shooting. However, it can get irritating to have pesky strands of hair flying around your face when trying to frame the perfect picture.

8) GPS/Map
I don’t consider myself directionally challenged, but it sure is nice to get a little guidance when you’re wandering around an unfamiliar part of town.

Fresh Look Photography

9) Notebook and Pen
Great for jotting down photo ideas, camera settings, or locations you’d like to revisit.

10) Another camera
Just. In. Case.

11) Candy or small treats
For that little client who needs to be bribed (that’s right: I’m not above bribing the kids I photograph!)

12) Lens Cleaning Cloth
Because you will be out shooting, and you will get a smear on your lens. And wiping it with your tee shirt just doesn’t seem like the best idea because (inevitably) you’ll end up scratching your lens!

Fresh Look Photography

Those are things that I think are über important, what about you? Anything I should add to this list?