november goals listWow. I’m sitting here on the 3rd day of the month writing my November goals list and realized that I only have one more of these to write for the year (for the entire flippin year!!!). It kind of blows my mind that we’re already heading into the holiday season which, by the way, is one of my favorite times of the year! With wedding season finally winding down, I’m excited to be able to focus on some amazing family sessions, as well as starting a new adventure working with a local elementary school, teaching 3-5’th graders how to use their cameras.

Fun Stuff Happening In November

Aviation History Month
Child Safety Protection Month
Adoption Awareness Month
Peanut Butter Lovers Month (where do you fall – crunchy or creamy?!)

November 26th – Thanksgiving (Eat, drink and be thankful!)
November 27th – Black Friday (what are YOU getting up early for?)

November Goals Listreach for it

Personal Goals

  • I’m doing a month long challenge of 100 crunches every day in November. I figure that wouldn’t be hard enough, so I’m gonna throw in some push-ups too… if I die this month, you’ll know why 😉
  • Daily Gratitude List for each kid (like this cute one from Amy Liz Schultz)
  • Remember what’s most important (like the ones we love)

Business Goals

  • Yearly Business Review and plan for next year
  • Pricing Restructure (don’t worry, it’s not as gruesome as it sounds!)
  • Kick off Holiday cards season (there will definitely be a blog about this!)