If you’ve ever sat there thinking: I have no idea what to write about, we’ve got a list of the top 10 things to blog about now!

In the last few posts the focus has been getting your blog off the ground.

We talked about how to choose the right platform, and tips for writing your first blog.

However, once you get past the initial “yay I have a new blog!” you’ll quickly find yourself asking “now what do I write about?!”

Here’s a list of 10 things to blog about now that you can use to jump-start your blogging process.

Not only should these tips give you a jumping off point, but hopefully it will inspire you to come up with ideas for future content!


yummy personal brand photoshoot at coffee shop


10 Things to Blog About Now

1) Write a Post on How You Got Started In Your Career

Share your story with readers, telling them how you got your start and what’s led you to where you are right now. It can be fun to document your journey and look back on it in a few years. Plus I’ve found that the personal posts that I write, always have a higher view count!


2) Take Readers Behind the Scenes

People are nosy, so take advantage of that!

This is another great way to allow readers to connect with you, by showcasing what your office looks like (I’m waiting on this post because you do NOT want to see my desk at the moment!), projects in the works, and the command center where the magic happens!


3) Feature Someone In Your Field

And this could be someone who does the same job as you (like this post about a fellow photographer), or someone who works in the same industry (like this post about wedding planners). You can do this as a Q&A type post, or give them a topic and let them run with it!


4) Hindsight is 20/20

Make a list of things you wish you had known when you were starting out. This shares a bit of your story with clients, while giving others an opportunity to learn from your experiences.


5) Show Off your Tools

This goes back to “demystifying” your trade (and I really try and be an open book when it comes to my business), and sharing what you use to do what you do! You can check out an example with this post of what’s in my regular camera bag, and this one for my wedding bag.


6) Share Recent/Upcoming Projects

You can do this in a few different ways. Your blog is a great platform to give readers exactly what you want them to know about (vs Facebook where algorithms choose what people see), so use that to your advantage! Share about an event that you are hosting and want people to attend, show off photos from something you’ve been working on, etc. I usually do this when I host workshops or free events for photographers.


7) Inspire and Get Inspired

There are TONS of places you could go for information/ideas, and it’s nice to filter that by showing places you get inspired to do what you do. Sharing helpful articles, inspiring images, and cute cartoons are just one more way to connect and network with those in your industry.


8) Share Your Heart

Write a post on your mission statement and what’s at the heart of your business. What drives you? Why do you continue in this career?
Don’t have a mission statement yet?! Stop right meow and go write one!


9) Teach Me Something

We all have a DIY board on Pinterest (that we really are going to get around to one day!), take advantage of that crafty spirit you have and share a simple project that people can create. This is especially awesome for those industries that work with physical materials all the time (like a florist, wedding planner, etc).


10) Highlight a Product/Service

No one dictates what you write about, it’s your blog, use it to showcase things that are important to you! Like this post I wrote encouraging brides not to wait till their wedding day to do bridal portraits (because there never seems to be enough time!).


orchids on blue velvet


Take Your Business to the Next Level!

Now that you have 10 things to blog about now, you can rock and roll in other aspects of your business!

If you are a photographer in need of business mentoring, I would love to help you out in your photographic journey!

Fresh Look Photography offers private mentoring to help with any aspect of running your business, and we’d love to chat with you!

Drop a comment below or click the { Contact Me } button and we will get rocking and rolling!